Our Partners

The Australian Pathogen Genomics Program (AusPathoGen) is made possible through national and international partnerships that bring together expertise from across academic, industry, government, and public health sectors, to solve public health problems using optimised pathogen genomics models.

To ensure international best-practices are adopted and to facilitate collaborations between communities and programs with aligned goals, the program has established key international partnerships to ensure global learnings can be applied and shared for continual optimisation of approaches to pathogen genomics.


AusTrakka is integrated into the AusPathoGen Program as the national platform for the visualisation and analysis of all metadata and genomic sequence data contributed towards the Program. AusPathoGen will further investigate the utility of AusTrakka for public health genomic data sharing and analysis, using nationally collated datasets for key public health priority pathogens. Through AusTrakka, best practice approaches for bioinformatic and genomics epidemiology analysis on a national level will be investigated and contribute to genomics-informed approaches to strengthen Australia’s response to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases.

The AusTrakka National Team comprises of representatives from MDU PHL (Vic), FSS (Qld) and ICPMR (NSW) spanning disciplines in medical microbiology, bioinformatics, genomics epidemiological, software development and program management.